WELL when it comes to heavy metal parties, the line-up this Thursday is hard to beat – some might even say it’s an Ultra Beatdown to release the Power Within but that would be a horrible play on the album titles of Dragonforce, destined to end up with us
all in the Valley of the Damned, undergoing an Inhuman Rampage brought on by a Sonic Firestorm…. Ooops did it again!
Right – down to business: Thursday night, Mandella Hall – Dragonforce and Alestorm. Hard drinking power metallers and hard drinking Scottish pirate metallers. There is of course other bands on the bill (we’re looking forward to The Defiled, but we’re not really sure why) but let’s face it, we’ll be going along to see how shit-faced one needs to be to (a) really enjoy the sets and (b) the bands can be and still perform.

The last time Dragonforce played the Mandella Hall it would be fair to say that it was a bit of a shabby set, cliché ridden and blown off by Turisas.

But, when they played at the Odyssey, supporting Iron Maiden, there was more potency, with new singer Marc Hudson seemingly injecting new vigour into the set.

This show is the second date of their UK and Ireland tour, part of a world tour that takes in 40 countries. The assessment will be whether they can maintain the head of steam, and will the teaser as openers for Maiden live up to an appetising full-set main course. With second single from The Power Within out now, a healthy dose of that album is expected: and the chance to see how Hudson has adapted the old favourites to his own vocal style.

Oh and the usual diet of widdly guitar solos please…

As for Alestorm…well behind the fácade of silly lyrics, onstage antics and copious amounts of rum there is some nice, tight musicianship. Listen closely to Alestorm’s output and the arrangements and delivery are surprisingly good. Whether sobriety will be close enough for us to appreciate it…well who can tell.

See ya all there – and remember, party hard, be good and be careful and remember to plan your Friday morning hangover cure project…

Authors: Jonny

Read More: http://belfastmetalheadsreunited.blogspot.com/2012/09/aleforce-party-hard.html